What la the role of an AFM Implementerin a typical AFM Screens project?
Which two teams need to collaborate to create a new custom component while developing an AFM SPA (Single Page Application) project?(Choose Iwo.)
A business practitioner would like to check how much work has already been completed for a specific phase of a project. Which metric of the Project Heartbeat Dashboard will provide this information?
Which AFM feature can he used to create page-Independent text and associated media, which can then he re-used on any page or delivered to an app when required?
Which feature allows a user to work on behalf of another user?
When a user searches for a keyword on a webpage, the search keyword Is appended to the URl as a URI parameter This page is not being cached in the dispatcher.
What could be the reason that this page is failing to be cached in the dispatcher?
Which feature is available in Experience Fragments hut not in Content Fragments?
A business practitioner needs to complete a risk assessment for a project.
During which phase of the project should this assessment be completed?
Which advantage is gained by using Adobe Managed Services for a Production instance?
Which AFM feature allows an author to create a large set of pages that share the same structure but have different content?
Which item Is used to define design properties of a component?
A customer needs to create, manage, deliver, and optimize personalized experiences at scale for thousands of images and videos Which AEM Module should the customer use?
Which non-Adobe product can be integrated with AFM as out-of-the-box?
Which AFM version should he used when a client would like to always have the latest AFM version for Production and Stage instances automatically?
Which AFM Sites feature allows a content author to efficiently develop content for a futurerelease?