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Adobe AD0-E716 Adobe Commerce Developer Expert Exam Practice Test

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Total 69 questions

Adobe Commerce Developer Expert Questions and Answers

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Question 1

How would a developer enable the magnification of CSS files on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Staging environment?



Locally from the command line

bin/magento config:set --lock-config dev/css/minify_files 1

Commit the app/etc/config.php file and redeploy.


Update the stores > setting > configuration > Advanced > Developer > css configuration in the Admin Panel.


SSH to the Adobe Commerce Staging environment. From the command line

Question 2

An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create a product EAV attribute programmatically which should appear as WYSIWYG in the admin panel. They have made sure that wysiwyg_enabled has been set to true, however, the attribute is not appearing as WYSIWYG in the admin panel.

What would be a possible reason?



The is_html_allowed_on_front Option iS Set tO false.


The input type is not set to text.


The input type is not set to textarea.

Question 3

How would a developer turn on outgoing emails on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Staging environment?



From the command line

ece-tools enable_smtp true


From the command line

magento-cloud environment:info -p -e enable_smtp true


Access the Project Web Interface and select the Staging environment.

Select Configure environment.

Toggle Outgoing emails On

Question 4

A merchant is experiencing performance issues on integration environments of their Adobe Commerce Cloud Pro plan and wants to upgrade to Enhanced Integration Environments.

What are the steps necessary prior to redeploying in order to upgrade to Enhanced Integration Environments?



1. Limit the number of Integration branches to two

2. Submit a support ticket requesting the upgrade


1. Limit the number of Integration branches to three

2. Set the ENV.ENVIRONMENT in .magento.env.yaml to ENHANCEDJNTEGRATION


1. Limit the number of Integration branches to four

2. Configure integration environments in the cloud GUI and set the Enhanced switch to On

Question 5

An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding custom data to orders fetched from the API. While keeping best practices in mind, how would the developer achieve this?



Create an extension attribute on Nagento\sales\Api\E)ata\orderinterface and an after plugin on

Magento\Sales\Model\Order: :getExtensionAttributes() to add the custom data.


Create an extension attribute On Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface and an after plugin On Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface On geto and getListo to add the custom data.


Create a before plugin on Magento\sales\model\ResourceModel\order\collection: :load and alter the query to fetch the additional data. Data will then be automatically added to the items fetched from the API.

Question 6

Which hashing algorithm will Adobe Commerce choose to hash customer passwords?



If the Sodium extension is installed, SHA256 will be chosen, otherwise MD5 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.


If the Sodium extension is installed, Argon 2ID13 will be chosen, otherwise SHA256 will be used as the Magento default hashing algorithm.


It does not matter if the Sodium extension is installed or not, the Magento hashing default algorithm will be SHA256.

Question 7

An Adobe Commerce developer creates a new website using a data patch. Each website will have unique pricing by website. The developer does not have visibility into the production and staging environments so they do not know what the configuration currently is.

How would they ensure the configuration is deployed and consistent across all environments?






Option A


Option B


Option C

Question 8

An integration named Marketing is created on the Adobe Commerce instance. The integration has access on Magento_Customer:: customer resources and the access token is xxxxxx.

How would the rest API be called to search the customers?



Using the integration access token as Bearer:

curl -X GET https://magentourl/rest/Vl/customers/search?searchCriteria... -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX'


Passing integration name and access token as http auth credentials:

curl -X GET https ://Marketing:XXXXXX(Slmagentourl/rest/Vl/customers/search?5earchCriteria . . .

Using integration name as username and access token as password, get the admin token (yyyyyy) via:

curl -X POST https://magentourl/rest/Vl/integration/admin/token -d '{"username":"Marketing", "pas


Type: application/json'

Use the admin token as Bearer

curl -X GET https://magentourl/rest/Vl/customers/search?searchCriteria... -H 'Authorization: Bearer YYYYYY'

Question 9

An Adobe Commerce developer is asked to create a new payment method for their project. This project has administrators who use the backend to manage customer information and occasionally place orders. When testing the new payment method on the frontend everything worked as expected, however, the payment method is missing in the admin.

What is a possible reason for this?



In the module di.xml, there were no default 3DS verification types configured as a VirtualType.


In the module config.xmi, the boolean value for can_capture was set to false.


In the module config.xmi, the node can_use_internal was not set to true.

Question 10

An Adobe Commerce developer is creating a new console command to perform a complex task with a lot of potential terminal output. If an error occurs, they want to provide a message that has higher visibility than some of the other content that may be appearing, so they want to ensure it is highlighted in red (as seen in the screenshot):

How can they customize the appearance of this message?



Call the setDecorationType(Stype) method On the Symfony\Console\Output\OutputInterface Object before Calling writeln().


Wrap the output content in tags like , , or .


Throw a new commandException with the desired message passed as an argument.

Question 11

An Adobe Commerce developer added a new API method to search and retrieve a list of Posts for a custom Blog functionality. This is the content of the module's etc/webapi.xml file:

The new code has been deployed to production and the merchant is using https: //merchant. domain. com/swagger to review the new endpoint, but it is not visible in swagger.

What would be a reason for this?



The webapi.xml file should be moved into the etc/webapi_rest/webapi.xml file.


Since the new endpoint is not anonymous, the merchant needs to enter a valid integration token in swagger in order to see the new method.


The greturn annotation is missing in the MyVendor\Blog\Api\PostRepositoryInterf ace class.

Question 12

An Adobe Commerce developer was asked to provide additional information on a quote. When getting several quotes, the extension attributes are returned, however, when getting a single quote it fails to be returned.

What is one reason the extension attributes are missing?



The developer neglected to add coiiection="trueM to their attribute in etc/extension_attributes.xmi file. O

ottribute code="my_attributesM type="MyVendor\MyModule\Api\Data\^AttributeInterface[]M collection="true" />


The developer neglected to provide a plugin On Hagento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface: :get.


The developer neglected to implement an observer on the coiiection_ioad_after event.

Question 13

A logistics company with an Adobe Commerce extension sends a list of reviewed shipment fees to all its clients every month in a CSV file. The merchant then uploads this CSV file to a "file upload" field in admin configuration of Adobe Commerce.

What are the two requirements to display the "file upload" field and process the actual CSV import? (Choose two.)







Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Question 14

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a process that exports a given order to some external accounting system. Launching this process using the Magento CLI with the command php bin/magento my_module:order: process --order_id= is required.

Example: php bin/magento my_module:order:process --order_id=1245.

What is the correct way to configure the command?







Option B


Option C


Option C


Option D

Question 15

An Adobe Commerce developer has installed a module from a third-party vendor. This module fires a custom event named third_party_event_after and also defines an observer named third_party_event_after_observer that listens to that event. The developer wants to listen to this custom event in their own module but wants to execute their observer's logic after the third_party_event_after_observer observer has finished executing.

What would the developer do to ensure their observer runs after the observer defined by the third-party module?



Ensure the third-party module is listed in the node of the developer's module.xmi file.


Set the sort order of the new observer to be less than that of the third-party vendor's observer.


This is not possible as observers listening to the same event may be invoked in any order.

Question 16

An international merchant is complaining that changes are taking too long to be reflected on the frontend after a full product import.

Thinking it may be database issues, the Adobe Commerce developer collects the following entity counts:

• Categories: 900

• Products: 300k

• Customers: 700k

• Customer groups : 106

• Orders: 1600k

• Invoices: 500k

• Creditmemos: 50k

• Websites : 15

• Stores : 45

What is a probable cause for this?



The combination of the number of products, categories and stores is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the flat catalog indexes which are too large to be processed at a normal speed.


The combination of the number of orders, customers, invoices and creditmemos is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the customer grid index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed.


The combination of the number of products, customer groups and websites is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the price index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed.

Question 17

An Adobe Commerce Cloud merchant has been experiencing significant downtime during production deployment. They have already checked that the application is in ideal state.

In addition to the configuration of the SCD.MATRIX variable to reduce amount of unnecessary theme files, what would be the next steps to reduce the downtime?



1. Check SCD is configured under the build phase.

2. Increase the SCD.THREADS to speed up the build process.


1. Check SCD is configured under deploy phase.

2. Decrease the SCD.THREADS to speed up the build process


1. Check SCD is configured under the build phase.

2. Check if Adobe Commerce Cloud automatically adjusts SCD.THREADS.

Question 18

A Project Architect needs to add a new developer who needs to be able to push code in an Adobe Commerce Cloud project. No integration with a third-party repository provider is setup.

What two actions would be required to ensure the developer has access? (Choose Two.)



The developer's SSH public key must be added into a file named ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


The developer needs to add SSH public key in the Cloud Account dashboard settings


The developer's email must be added under Users in the Cloud Project Web Ul


The Adobe Commerce admin user must be created and the developer's SSH public key must be added on their local system

Question 19

An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with creating a custom block that will be displayed on every page in the footer of the site.

After completing and optimizing the development, the developer notices that the block takes too much time to be generated on each page and decides to store it in the system cache after enabling it for all cache groups.

What would be the minimum requirement to achieve this?



Set a value for the cache_Lifetime data property of the block.


Set a value for cache_key data property of the block.


Set values for both cache_lifetime and cache_key data properties of the block.

Question 20

The di. xml file of a module attaches two plugins for the class Action.

The PluginA has the methods: beforeDispatch, aroundDispatch, afterDispatch. The PluginB has the methods: beforeDispatch, afterDispatch.

The around plugin code is:

What would be the plugin execution order?






Option A


Option B


Option C

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