Which three challenges did the company have in the auto manufacturer case study? (Choose three.)
Connected factory applications are enabled with strategic partnerships. Which four options help to deploy these applications? (Choose four.)
What are the three horizontal Cisco Internet of Things solutions in manufacturing? (Choose three.)
What does Cisco Connected Factory Security primarily help customers to do?
Which four levels of solutions does the Cisco Internet of Things product structure consist of? (Choose four.)
In addition to devices, hardware, software, and services, what are additional sales opportunities for Cisco partners?
Secure production access is an important success metric for Plant IT Directors. In the Internet of Things, which four options achieve secure production access? (Choose four.)
Which three challenges did the company face in the motorcycle manufacturer case study? (Choose three.)
In which zone does Cisco Connected Factory Security help to protect the manufacturing environment?
Specific company characteristics signal opportunities to sell the Cisco Internet of Things. Which three characteristics indicate such an opportunity? (Choose three.)