A penetration tester reviews a SAST vulnerability scan report. The following vulnerability has been reported as high severity:
Source file: components.ts
Issue 2 of 12: Command injection
Severity: High
Call: .innerHTML = response
The tester inspects the source file and finds the variable response is defined as a constant and is not referred to or used in other sections of the code. Which of the following describes how the tester should classify this reported vulnerability?
Which of the following activities should be performed to prevent uploaded web shells from being exploited by others?
A penetration tester is compiling the final report for a recently completed engagement. A junior QA team member wants to know where they can find details on the impact, overall security findings, and high-level statements. Which of the following sections of the report would most likely contain this information?
During a security assessment, a penetration tester gains access to an internal server and manipulates some data to hide its presence. Which of the following is the best way for the penetration tester to hide the activities performed?
A penetration testing team needs to determine whether it is possible to disrupt the wireless communications for PCs deployed in the client's offices. Which of the following techniques should the penetration tester leverage?
A client warns the assessment team that an ICS application is maintained by the manufacturer. Any tampering of the host could void the enterprise support terms of use.
Which of the following techniques would be most effective to validate whether the application encrypts communications in transit?
Using the output, identify potential attack vectors that should be further investigated.
A tester completed a report for a new client. Prior to sharing the report with the client, which of the following should the tester request to complete a review?
Which of the following could be used to enhance the quality and reliability of a vulnerability scan report?
A penetration tester cannot find information on the target company's systems using common OSINT methods. The tester's attempts to do reconnaissance against internet-facing resources have been blocked by the company's WAF. Which of the following is the best way to avoid the WAF and gather information about the target company's systems?
During an assessment, a penetration tester obtains a low-privilege shell and then runs the following command:
findstr /SIM /C:"pass" *.txt *.cfg *.xml
Which of the following is the penetration tester trying to enumerate?
During an assessment, a penetration tester wants to extend the vulnerability search to include the use of dynamic testing. Which of the following tools should the tester use?
A penetration tester attempts unauthorized entry to the company's server room as part of a security assessment. Which of the following is the best technique to manipulate the lock pins and open the door without the original key?
During an assessment, a penetration tester runs the following command:
setspn.exe -Q /
Which of the following attacks is the penetration tester preparing for?
A penetration tester wants to maintain access to a compromised system after a reboot. Which of the following techniques would be best for the tester to use?
A tester performs a vulnerability scan and identifies several outdated libraries used within the customer SaaS product offering. Which of the following types of scans did the tester use to identify the libraries?
During a discussion of a penetration test final report, the consultant shows the following payload used to attack a system:
Copy code
Based on the code, which of the following options represents the attack executed by the tester and the associated countermeasure?
A penetration tester would like to leverage a CSRF vulnerability to gather sensitive details from an application's end users. Which of the following tools should the tester use for this task?
A penetration tester attempts to run an automated web application scanner against a target URL. The tester validates that the web page is accessible from a different device. The tester analyzes the following HTTP request header logging output:
200; GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: foo.com; User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
200; GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: foo.com; User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
No response; POST /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: foo.com; User-Agent: curl
200; POST /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: foo.com; User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
No response; GET /login.aspx HTTP/1.1 Host: foo.com; User-Agent: python
Which of the following actions should the tester take to get the scans to work properly?
While conducting an assessment, a penetration tester identifies the details for several unreleased products announced at a company-wide meeting. Which of the following attacks did the tester most likely use to discover this information?
A company hires a penetration tester to test the security of its wireless networks. The main goal is to intercept and access sensitive data.
Which of the following tools should the security professional use to best accomplish this task?
A penetration tester completes a scan and sees the following output on a host:
Copy code
Nmap scan report for victim (
Host is up (0.0001s latency)
161/udp open|filtered snmp
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
3389/tcp open microsoft-ds
Running Microsoft Windows 7
OS CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7_sp0
The tester wants to obtain shell access. Which of the following related exploits should the tester try first?
You are a security analyst tasked with hardening a web server.
You have been given a list of HTTP payloads that were flagged as malicious.
Given the following attack signatures, determine the attack type, and then identify the associated remediation to prevent the attack in the future.
If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.
A penetration tester needs to evaluate the order in which the next systems will be selected for testing. Given the following output:
Which of the following targets should the tester select next?
During an assessment, a penetration tester manages to get RDP access via a low-privilege user. The tester attempts to escalate privileges by running the following commands:
Import-Module .\PrintNightmare.ps1
Invoke-Nightmare -NewUser "hacker" -NewPassword "Password123!" -DriverName "Print"
The tester attempts to further enumerate the host with the new administrative privileges by using the runas command. However, the access level is still low. Which of the following actions should the penetration tester take next?
A penetration tester discovers evidence of an advanced persistent threat on the network that is being tested. Which of the following should the tester do next?
A penetration tester cannot complete a full vulnerability scan because the client's WAF is blocking communications. During which of the following activities should the penetration tester discuss this issue with the client?
During a vulnerability assessment, a penetration tester configures the scanner sensor and performs the initial vulnerability scanning under the client's internal network. The tester later discusses the results with the client, but the client does not accept the results. The client indicates the host and assets that were within scope are not included in the vulnerability scan results. Which of the following should the tester have done?
A penetration tester needs to complete cleanup activities from the testing lead. Which of the following should the tester do to validate that reverse shell payloads are no longer running?
Which of the following is most important when communicating the need for vulnerability remediation to a client at the conclusion of a penetration test?
A penetration tester finds that an application responds with the contents of the /etc/passwd file when the following payload is sent:
Which of the following should the tester recommend in the report to best prevent this type of vulnerability?
A penetration tester needs to help create a threat model of a custom application. Which of the following is the most likely framework the tester will use?
A penetration tester writes a Bash script to automate the execution of a ping command on a Class C network:
for var in —MISSING TEXT—
ping -c 1 192.168.10.$var
Which of the following pieces of code should the penetration tester use in place of the —MISSING TEXT— placeholder?
A consultant starts a network penetration test. The consultant uses a laptop that is hardwired to the network to try to assess the network with the appropriate tools. Which of the following should the consultant engage first?
Given the following script:
$1 = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name.split("\")[1]
If ($1 -eq "administrator") {
echo IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).Downloadstring(' ') | powershell -noprofile -}
Which of the following is the penetration tester most likely trying to do?
You are a penetration tester reviewing a client’s website through a web browser.
Review all components of the website through the browser to determine if vulnerabilities are present.
Remediate ONLY the highest vulnerability from either the certificate, source, or cookies.
If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.
GET /foo/images/file?id=2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2fetc%2fpasswd
Which of the following web application attacks is the tester performing?
During a penetration testing engagement, a tester targets the internet-facing services used by the client. Which of the following describes the type of assessment that should be considered in this scope of work?
A penetration tester is attempting to exfiltrate sensitive data from a client environment without alerting the client's blue team. Which of the following exfiltration methods most likely remain undetected?
In a cloud environment, a security team discovers that an attacker accessed confidential information that was used to configure virtual machines during their initialization. Through which of the following features could this information have been accessed?
A penetration testing team wants to conduct DNS lookups for a set of targets provided by the client. The team crafts a Bash script for this task. However, they find a minor error in one line of the script:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 for i in $(cat example.txt); do
3 curl $i
4 done
Which of the following changes should the team make to line 3 of the script?
While performing a penetration test, a tester executes the following command:
PS c:\tools> c:\hacks\PsExec.exe \\server01.cor.ptia.org -accepteula cmd.exe
Which of the following best explains what the tester is trying to do?
During a security assessment, a penetration tester uses a tool to capture plaintext log-in credentials on the communication between a user and an authentication system. The tester wants to use this information for further unauthorized access. Which of the following tools is the tester using?
$ nmap -A AppServer1.compita.org
Starting Nmap 7.80 (2023-01-14) on localhost ( at 2023-08-04 15:32:27
Nmap scan report for AppServer1.compita.org (
Host is up (0.001s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed ports
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
23/tcp open telnet
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
443/tcp open https
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
873/tcp open rsync
8080/tcp open http-proxy
8443/tcp open https-alt
9090/tcp open zeus-admin
10000/tcp open snet-sensor-mgmt
The tester notices numerous open ports on the system of interest. Which of the following best describes this system?
A penetration tester needs to test a very large number of URLs for public access. Given the following code snippet:
1 import requests
2 import pathlib
4 for url in pathlib.Path("urls.txt").read_text().split("\n"):
5 response = requests.get(url)
6 if response.status == 401:
7 print("URL accessible")
Which of the following changes is required?
Which of the following explains the reason a tester would opt to use DREAD over PTES during the planning phase of a penetration test?
Before starting an assessment, a penetration tester needs to scan a Class B IPv4 network for open ports in a short amount of time. Which of the following is the best tool for this task?
Which of the following is a term used to describe a situation in which a penetration tester bypasses physical access controls and gains access to a facility by entering at the same time as an employee?
During an engagement, a penetration tester needs to break the key for the Wi-Fi network that uses WPA2 encryption. Which of the following attacks would accomplish this objective?
A client recently hired a penetration testing firm to conduct an assessment of their consumer-facing web application. Several days into the assessment, the client's networking team observes a substantial increase in DNS traffic. Which of the following would most likely explain the increase in DNS traffic?
During a red-team exercise, a penetration tester obtains an employee's access badge. The tester uses the badge’s information to create a duplicate for unauthorized entry.
Which of the following best describes this action?
A penetration tester gains access to a domain server and wants to enumerate the systems within the domain. Which of the following tools would provide the best oversight of domains?
A penetration tester is getting ready to conduct a vulnerability scan as part of the testing process. The tester will evaluate an environment that consists of a container orchestration cluster. Which of the following tools should the tester use to evaluate the cluster?
A penetration tester needs to confirm the version number of a client's web application server. Which of the following techniques should the penetration tester use?
While performing a penetration testing exercise, a tester executes the following command:
Copy code
PS c:\tools> c:\hacks\PsExec.exe \\server01.comptia.org -accepteula cmd.exe
Which of the following best explains what the tester is trying to do?