In machine learning, which of the following inputs is required for model training and prediction?
All kernels of the same convolutional layer in a convolutional neural network share a weight.
Which of the following are use cases of generative adversarial networks?
Which of the following statements is false about the debugging and application of a regression model?
Sigmoid, tanh, and softsign activation functions cannot avoid vanishing gradient problems when the network is deep.
What are the application scenarios of computer vision?
Which of the following does not belong to the process for constructing a knowledge graph?
The core of the MindSpore training data processing engine is to efficiently and flexibly convert training samples (datasets) to MindRecord and provide them to the training network for training.
Huawei Cloud ModelArts provides ModelBox for device-edge-cloud joint development. Which of the following are its optimization policies?
In MindSpore, the basic unit of the neural network is nn.Cell.
In MindSpore, mindspore.nn.Conv2d() is used to create a convolutional layer. Which of the following values can be passed to this API's "pad_mode" parameter?
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) cannot be used to process text data.
AI inference chips need to be optimized and are thus more complex than those used for training.
The general process of building a project using machine learning involves the following steps: split data, _________________ the model, deploy the model the model, and fine-tune the model.
Which of the following is NOT a commonly used AI computing framework?
Which of the following are AI capabilities provided by the HMS Core?
Which of the following algorithms presents the most chaotic landscape on the loss surface?
Google proposed the concept of knowledge graph and took the lead in applying knowledge graphs to search engines in 2012, successfully improving users' search quality and experience.