Which of the following is correct?
The possibility of an event occurring that will have an impact on the achievement of objectives refers to:
A successful Project has following phases:
Compliance tests are procedures designed to verify whether controls are being applied in the manner described in the flowcharts, questionnaires etc.
Which of the following is correct?
Non-discretionary controls are:
To ensure that data is being used as performance indicators accurately and objectively measure desired outputs and outcomes is called:
Control self-assessment questions have which following categories?
New employees, consultants and contractors must receive security awareness training and supporting documentation at the time of employment refers to:
Accounting controls are:
Which following is a classification of Control self-assessment workshop?
Votes are cast anonymously and all responses are confidential is one of the advantages of:
The combination of processes and structures implemented by the board in order to inform, direct, manage and monitor the activities of the organization toward its achievements is called:
Description, action steps, time frames, delineated responsibilities are all factors of Objective statements.
Which of the following is NOT the rule of integrity?
Alleged perpetrators have the right to expect an objective investigation and that allegations against them will be kept as confidential as possible until they are substantiated, this refers to;
Which of the following is Correct?
The technique that involves developing a sequence of possible events and projecting potential results refers to:
What aims to allow individuals involved in the process to assist the CSA team in identifying the risks and control weaknesses in the processes being reviewed?
To relate high-level goals, aligned with and supporting the entity’s mission/vision is called:
The internal auditor for standard 1220 should exercise due professional care by considering which following aspects?
Management has a strategy to ensure that ____________ is effective and will trigger separate evaluations where problems are identified or systems are critical and testing is periodically desirable.
Which of the following are the methods of analyzing data in summative evaluation program?
The process an organization uses to determine where it is headed in the coming years, the objectives it hopes to achieve, the methods it will use and its performance measures, is called:
Weak internal controls, lack of fraud policy, fiscal problems are all fraud warning signs of:
Internal auditors have which following four principles to uphold and apply.
Fill in the Blanks
________ are the targets or goals that an organization to needs to achieve in order to fulfill its purpose as articulated in its mission, mission and value statements.
The internal audit activity should evaluate risk exposures relating to the organization’s risk management system, is:
Project risk assessment is:
Which of the following is correct?
____________ refers the assessment of risks and opportunities affecting the achievement of the organization’s goals and objectives.
Operational risk is the day to day mitigation of safety and health risks of employees performing their jobs.
_________ are preferred if the culture in the organization may hinder open, candid discussions in workshop settings or of management desires to minimize the time spent and cost incurred in gathering the information.
_________ structures tend to evolve in highly formal, centralized organizations where employees are subject to strict controls and little flexibility in decision making.
Which of the following is NOT the entity’s objective that is consistent with the entity’s risk appetite?
When internal auditors establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their judgment, this refers to:
Which of the following is Correct?
___________ is charged with overseeing the establishment, administration and evaluation of the processes of risk management and control.
Which of the following is NOT the step in developing the strategic planning process?
Failure to effectively correct inappropriate behavior could result in a breakdown in the group dynamic and the entire CSA process.