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Linux Foundation CKS Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam Practice Test

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Total 48 questions

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Questions and Answers

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Question 1


Cluster: prod

Master node: master1

Worker node: worker1

You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:

[desk@cli] $ kubectl config use-context prod


Analyse and edit the given Dockerfile (based on the ubuntu:18:04 image)

/home/cert_masters/Dockerfile fixing two instructions present in the file being prominent security/best-practice issues. 

Analyse and edit the given manifest file

/home/cert_masters/mydeployment.yaml fixing two fields present in the file being prominent security/best-practice issues.

Note: Don't add or remove configuration settings; only modify the existing configuration settings, so that two configuration settings each are no longer security/best-practice concerns.

Should you need an unprivileged user for any of the tasks, use user nobody with user id 65535


Question 2

Secrets stored in the etcd is not secure at rest, you can use the etcdctl command utility to find the secret value

for e.g:-

ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get /registry/secrets/default/cks-secret --cacert="ca.crt" --cert="server.crt" --key="server.key"


Using the Encryption Configuration, Create the manifest, which secures the resource secrets using the provider AES-CBC and identity, to encrypt the secret-data at rest and ensure all secrets are encrypted with the new configuration.


Question 3


Create a NetworkPolicy named pod-access to restrict access to Pod users-service running in namespace dev-team.

Only allow the following Pods to connect to Pod users-service:

Pods in the namespace qa

Pods with label environment: testing, in any namespace


Question 4


This cluster uses containerd as CRI runtime.

Containerd's default runtime handler is runc. Containerd has been prepared to support an additional runtime handler, runsc (gVisor).


Create a RuntimeClass named sandboxed using the prepared runtime handler named runsc.

Update all Pods in the namespace server to run on gVisor.


Question 5

You must complete this task on the following cluster/nodes: Cluster: immutable-cluster

Master node: master1

Worker node: worker1

You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:

[desk@cli] $  kubectl config use-context immutable-cluster 

Context: It is best practice to design containers to be stateless and immutable.


Inspect Pods running in namespace prod and delete any Pod that is either not stateless or not immutable.

Use the following strict interpretation of stateless and immutable:

1. Pods being able to store data inside containers must be treated as not stateless. 

Note: You don't have to worry whether data is actually stored inside containers or not already.

2. Pods being configured to be privileged in any way must be treated as potentially not stateless or not immutable.


Question 6


A PodSecurityPolicy shall prevent the creation of privileged Pods in a specific namespace.


Create a new PodSecurityPolicy named prevent-psp-policy,which prevents the creation of privileged Pods.

Create a new ClusterRole named restrict-access-role, which uses the newly created PodSecurityPolicy prevent-psp-policy.

Create a new ServiceAccount named psp-restrict-sa in the existing namespace staging.

Finally, create a new ClusterRoleBinding named restrict-access-bind, which binds the newly created ClusterRole restrict-access-role to the newly created ServiceAccount psp-restrict-sa.


Question 7

A container image scanner is set up on the cluster.

Given an incomplete configuration in the directory

/etc/kubernetes/confcontrol and a functional container image scanner with HTTPS endpoint

1. Enable the admission plugin.

2. Validate the control configuration and change it to implicit deny.

Finally, test the configuration by deploying the pod having the image tag as latest.


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Total 48 questions