Which of the following resources of a shell and its child processes can be controlled by the Bash build-in command ulimit? (Choose THREE correct answers.)
Which of the following authentication methods was added to NFS in version 4?
Which of the following lines in an OpenSSL configuration adds an X 509v3 Subject Alternative Name extension for the host names example.org and to a certificate'?
Which of the following sections are allowed within the Kerberos configuration file krb5.conf? (Choose THREE correct answers.)
Which of the following methods can be used to deactivate a rule in Snort? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
Which of the following expressions are valid AIDE rules? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
Which of the following are differences between AppArmor and SELinux? (Choose TWO correct answers).
What effect does the configuration SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on have on an Apache HTTPD virtual host?
What command is used to update NVTs from the OpenVAS NVT feed? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters).