What is the primary benefit of an Edge Cloud?
Kubemetes is a:
It is possible to run a cloud solution in a Single Node.
Which of the following is the most efficient service concept for resource usage?
What is the most critical benefit a cloud native deployment provides when deploying applications in complex and very low predictive environments?
What is the main advantage of development concepts such DevOps and CI/CD used in cloud native applications?
The ETSI MANO Model operational stack is defined as?
Which of the following are properties related to a private cloud? (Select 2)
Which of the follow are descriptions are correct regarding containers? (Select 2)
Which of the following are AI hardware solutions? (Select 2)
Select the best option below to complete the following sentence.
Your apps need cloud resources which are______and then__
Select the most appropriate word to complete the following sentence:
The public cloud ecosystem is a great value for users that offers many more options and_____than the simple consumption of
Select the option that best completes the following sentence.
____is a key component in the Closed loop automation.
Which of the following contains the configuration of a VNF or CNF?
What are the available options to interconnect private Datacenters? (Select 2)
Which of the following techniques provide the benefit of faster deployment? (Select 2)
Which of the following statements are correct regarding the characteristics of microservices? (Select 2)
The design of a data center manager includes which of the following? (Select 3)