Successfully resolve to where your DNS server is
There are two different networks, and Your System is in Network. One RHEL6 Installed System is going to use as a Router. All required configuration is already done on Linux Server. Where and IP Address are assigned on that Server. How will make successfully ping to Network's Host?
We are working on /data initially the size is 2GB. The /dev/test0/lvtestvolume is mount on /data. Now you required more space on /data but you already added all disks belong to physical volume. You saw that you have unallocated space around 5 GB on your harddisk. Increase the size of lvtestvolume by 5GB.
Part 1 (on Node1 Server)
Task 11 [Scheduling Future Tasks]
The user natasha must configure a cron job that runs daily at 14:23 local time and also the same cron job will run after every 2 minutes and executes:
/bin/echo hello
Part 1 (on Node1 Server)
Task 5 [Controlling Access to Files with ACLs]
Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp. Configure the following permissions on /var/tmp/fstab.
The file /var/tmp/fstab is owned by root user
The file /var/tmp/fstab is belongs to the root group
The file /var/tmp/fstab should be executable by anyone
The user harry is able to read and write on /var/tmp/fstab
The user natasha can neither read or write on /var/tmp/fstab
All other users (Current or future) have the ability to read /var/tmp/fstab
Part 2 (on Node2 Server)
Task 4 [Managing Logical Volumes]
Resize the logical volume, lvrz and reduce filesystem to 4600 MiB. Make sure the the filesystem contents remain intact with mount point /datarz
(Note: partitions are seldom exactly the size requested, so anything within the range of 4200MiB to 4900MiB is acceptable)
Configure autofs to automount the home directories of LDAP users as follows: NFS-exports /home to your system.
This filesystem contains a pre-configured home directory for the user ldapuser11 ldapuser11's home directory is /rhome/ldapuser11 ldapuser11's home directory should be automounted locally beneath /rhome as /rhome/ldapuser11
Home directories must be writable by their users
ldapuser11's password is 'password'.
Create a 512M partition, make it as ext4 file system, mounted automatically under /mnt/data and which take effect automatically at boot-start.
User mary must configure a task.
Requirement: The local time at 14:23 every day echo "Hello World.".
Configure a default software repository for your system.
One YUM has already provided to configure your system on x86_64/Server, and can be used normally.
Who ever creates the files/directories on archive group owner should be automatically should be the same group owner of archive.
Create a catalog under /home named admins. Its respective group is requested to be the admin group. The group users could read and write, while other users are not allowed to access it. The files created by users from the same group should also be the admin group.
Upgrade the kernel, start the new kernel by default. kernel download from this address:
Create a user named alex, and the user id should be 1234, and the password should be alex111.
Add user: user1, set uid=601
Password: redhat
The user's login shell should be non-interactive.
Create a swap space, set the size is 600 MB, and make it be mounted automatically after rebooting the system (permanent mount).
Install dialog package.
Configure a task: plan to run echo "file" command at 14:23 every day.
Part 1 (on Node1 Server)
Task 10 [Configuring NTP/Time Synchronization]
Configure your system so that it is an NTP client of
The system time should be set to your (or nearest to you) timezone and ensure NTP sync is configured
Configure the verification mode of your host account and the password as LDAP. And it can login successfully through ldapuser40. The password is set as "password". And the certificate can be downloaded from After the user logs on the user has no host directory unless you configure the autofs in the following questions.