When we create a filter action in a dashboard, what all we must specify so that it will work?
Using the Profit Analysis Dashboard twbx file, find out the 5th most profitable product in the state of New York? You can add the functionality to the dashboard.
Which type of sort is applied in the Ship Mode field?
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When it is recommended to create multiple table extracts?
Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and use the Orders table. Which of the customer names are in the Top 20 by sales, calculate the profit ratio for these customers and find out who all are in the bottom 5 in profit ratio (within these customers)?
Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and use the Orders table. Create a view showing sales over continuous months, find out which trend line model type provides the lowest R-squared value?
Connect to the "Kiva Loans - India" data source, which sector's funded amount is closest to the median of all the sectors?
Which LOD calculations can be used in Columns shelf to create this view?
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Using the Sales Analysis Dashboard, If you click on any of the products, it should navigate to the All Products worksheet. How you will accomplish it?
Connect to the "Kiva Loans - India" data source, create a chart using the continuous disbursed month (Disbursed Time field) and sum of the loan amount, exclude the null values. What is the skewness of this chart?
Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and create a view to show only those orders which were returned. What is the unique number of orders returned in the North Africa region in the office supplies category? Consider only those orders which were shipped using Standard Class ship mode.
Why we convert a numeric measure to a dimension?
In Forecast, what is the shaded region?
__________ function rounds a number to the nearest integer of equal or lesser value.
Connect to the "Flight" data source and find out which carrier was having the highest percentage of delayed flights in 2013?
In a box plot, how we can calculate the length of the Upper whisker?