Winch of thefollowing rating method can beused to determine the performance of luminaires for Green Infrastructure and Buildings Credit. Light Pollution Reduction?
For credits requiring bicycle storage as well as shower and changing facilities, shower requirements may be met in office buildings by providing
Which of the following credits or prerequisites requires a calculation ofIntersections per square mile for square kilometer)?
Which of the following strategies is a best practice for reducing a project's development footprint?
Whichof the following innovation proposals is most likely to be successful to achieve Innovation,Option 1:Innovation?
Whichof the following sites meets the Minimum Program Requirements (MPR) fora project targeting LEED for Neighborhood Development certification?
A square site with four equally sized neighboring parcels isbeing considered for a LEEDfor Neighborhood Development project.Consider the following: on the north side of the site is forest land; on the east side Is a church located on a parcel that is 100% developed: and on the south side is a schoollocated on a parcel that is 50% developed. Which one of the following uses on the west side would make this an infill site?
A mixed-use development's total building area is 1.742.400 ft1 (161 874 m2) with 350 planned dwelling units Within a 1/2 mi. (08 km) walking distance are 20 diverse uses totaling 550.000 ft2 (51 096 m2) and 375 full-time jobs.
To achieve Smart Location and Linkage Credit. Housing and Jobs Proximity, what is the minimum areaof the residential component ofthe project?
For a 100% previously developed site, which of the following steps should the project team take during the Initial stages of planning to meet the requirements of Smart Location and Linkage Prerequisite. Imperiled Species and Ecological Communities Conservation?
A project includes previously developed lotswithin the LEED for Neighborhood Development boundary. For the purpose ofcalculating previously developed site area, which lot size may be consideredto be 100% previously developed?
What factor determines the percentage of undeveloped land that must remain undisturbed for Green Infrastructure and Buildings Credit. Minimized Site Disturbance?
A LEED forNeighborhood Development project is going to temporarily reroute existing transit service outside the required distances as pan or the construction process.The protect team has secured an agreement withthe transit agency to restore the rerouted service. What is the maximum number of years the service can be rerouted in order to quality tor Smart Location and Linkage Credit. Access to Quality Transit?
What Is the maximum distance from the project’s geographic center thata community garden outside the project boundary can be located in order to satisfy the requirement for Neighborhood Pattern and Design Credit,Local Food Production?
½ mi. (0.8 km)
A local zoning code limits density on a residentially-zoned 10-acre (four hectare) parcel to 65 total units The site la outside ofwalking distance to transit service.Howcould this project be eligible for Neighborhood Pattern and Design Prerequisite Compact Development?
To achieve Neighborhood Pattern and Design Credit. Community Outreach and involvement. Option 1: Community Outreach during Preliminary Design, the project team must advertise and host at leastone community meeting. Which of thefollowing is an example ofa community meeting that is applicable towards this credit?
A project team has determined that achieving Green Infrastructure and Buildings Credit. Solar Orientation is feasible Based on a preliminary assessment of site features, sunlight and shading, themaximum solar access has been determined. What is the next step the project needs to take to incorporate optimum solar orientation into the site design?
A project team has arranged to use recycled infrastructure components. Thirty percent (30%) by mass ot the new material infrastructure components contain post-consumer recycled content. Ten percent (10%) by mass of the infrastructure is on-site reuse materials.
What Is the minimum additional percentage of recycled content (by mass) that must come from pre-consumer materials?
A non-Infill site has prime agricultural soils in areas of the site where construction is planned. Which would contribute to meeting the Smart Location and Linkage Prerequisite. Agricultural Land Conservation?
Which of the following approaches contributes to achieving a point under Neighborhood Pattern and Design Credit. Community Outreach and Involvement?
A brand new communityis being constructed on a greenfield site. In order to reduce energy consumption, a district heating and cooling system will be built Which or thefollowing may be excluded from the system to achieve Green Intra structure and Buildings Credit. District Heating and Cooling?
A project teamchooses to install highly efficient street lights and traffic lights throughout a 21-acre neighborhood project. Which credit could this efficiency help the team earn?
Which of the following can be included within the boundary of a project site on an urban waterfront?
A community seeking LEED tor Neighborhood Development Certificationisplanning to design and constructa permanent gardenand provide related facilities for local residents to cultivate food production. The community Is in an area of 10 acres (4.05 hectares) and contains 120 dwelling units. According to the requirements of'local food production.* what is the minimum area of the community garden?
A mixed-use project without transit service has the following characteristics:
* 55 townhomes on 9 acres (3.6 hectares) of buildable land
* 44.000 ft2 (4.088 m2) of commercial building on 87.120 ft2(9.094.m2) Of buildable land
What should be added to the development plan to meet the minimum density requirements for Neighborhood Pattern and Design Prerequisite Compact Development?
A mixed-use LEED for Neighborhood Development project includes a 20,000 ft2 (1.858 m2) office building with retail space on the first floor. There are 1.000 ft7 (93 m2) surface parking lots located on each of Ihe four sides of the budding.
Who! improvement is needed to make the plan eligible for Neighborhood Pattern and Design Credit. Reduced Parking Footprint?
To meet the requirement of Smart Location and Linkage Credit. Access to Quality Transit, on a
600-ace 1243 hectares) site with 3,500 dwelling units, what Is the minimum number of units that must be within 1/4 mi. (400 m) walk distance of an existing streetcar stop?
A project is pursuing Neighborhood Pattern and Design Credit. Local Food Production Restrictions in deeds or covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) may prohibit greenhouses in which location?
What is meant by "connectivity’’as used in the LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System?
Acultural landscape is identifiedon a project site. Which action contributes to Green Infrastructure and Buildings Credit. Historic Resource Preservation and Adaptive Reuse?
Winch of the following minor improvements withina required buffer zone may be undertaken to enhance appreciation for a wetland or body of water, provided such facilities are open to public access?